Diagnosis of a giant gastric subepithelial lesion using a dual-frequency ultrasonic miniprobe
Suhuan Liao1, Weiguang Qiao2, Silin Huang1, Guang Yang1, Ronggang Zhang1, Weiwen Wu3, Xiaosong Bai3
Mini-probe ultrasonography guidance during endoscopic submucosal dissection of an ampullary duodenal lesion
Yuki Nakajima,Daiki Nemoto,Kohei Suzuki,Ai Sato,Goro Shibukawa,Alan Kawarai Lefor ,Kazutomo Togashi
Removal of an esophageal foreign body under real-time miniprobe endoscopic ultrasound guidance
Kewei Hu, Guilian Chen and Duanmin Hu Department of Gastroenterology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, China